Connect your EdgeBit account to Vanta to automatically create, update, and close Vulnerabilities connected to your SOC2 or ISO 27001 compliance program.
In your EdgeBit account, head over to “Integrations” and click “Activate” on Vanta to complete the integration flow.
After that is complete, enable your production EdgeBit projects to start the data sync.
Open security issues are automatically created and updated in a one-way manner, EdgeBit → Vanta.
Every hour, a complete list of open issues is sent to Vanta to ensure your compliance program is always up to date.
Within the Vanta dashboard, security issues will display under Tests, grouped by severity and populated with an SLA due date for remediation.
Once a fix is committed to your code and vulnerable versions of your app are no longer seen in your production inventory, the vulnerability will be closed and your test(s) will be resolved.