
Deploy on Kubernetes running on AWS

Enclaver can be used with Kubernetes to run Nitro Enclaves on qualified Nodes in your EKS, Rancher/k3s or OpenShift cluster. Users of your cluster can use an enclave image (from enclaver build) inside of a Deployment.

Secure Enclaves with EKS demo on YouTube

Running an Enclave

Running an Deployment that uses an enclave is very easy since Enclaver images are self-contained. They can be scaled out normally based on your Node availability.

View example-enclave.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: example-enclave
  namespace: default
  replicas: 1
      app: example
        app: example
      - maxSkew: 1
        whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
      nodeSelector: nitro
      - name: enclave
           - containerPort: 8001
             name: enclave-app
        - mountPath: /dev/nitro_enclaves
          name: nitro-enclaves
        - mountPath: /dev/hugepages-1Gi
          name: hugepages
          readOnly: false
          privileged: true
            hugepages-1Gi: 3Gi
            memory: 500Mi
            hugepages-1Gi: 3Gi
      restartPolicy: Always
      - name: nitro-enclaves
          path: /dev/nitro_enclaves
      - name: hugepages
          medium: HugePages

There are a few essential parts of each Deployment:

  1. The nodeSelector is selecting only our Nitro enabled Nodes and the topologySpreadConstraints ensures that each Node only runs one enclave at a time.
  2. The image of the enclave container points to your enclave image.
  3. The resource limit for hugepages-1Gi should match or exceed the memory value from your enclaver.yaml. In our example above, it’s 3 GB.
  4. The pod must run as privileged to mount /dev/nitro_enclaves

Add Qualified Nodes to your EKS Cluster

This guide assumes you already have an EKS cluster. It doesn’t matter if it has other NodeGroups attached to it.

Only certain EC2 instance types can run Nitro Enclaves. c6a.xlarge is the cheapest qualifying instance type as of this writing) and Docker installed. See the Deploying on AWS for more details. Create the CloudFormation stack before continuing:


It will create a Launch Template in order to set enclave options, create an IAM role for our Nodes to talk to the cluster, then create an EKS NodeGroup that references both.

Due to Amazon restrictions, each EC2 machine can only run a single enclave at a time. This is enforced by topologySpreadConstraints in the Deployment.

Labeling Nodes

The CloudFormation will label your Nodes with so that your Deployment can target the qualified Nodes.

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                            STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
ip-172-31-37-102.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>   5m      v1.23.9-eks-ba74326
ip-172-31-38-217.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>   4m44s   v1.23.9-eks-ba74326

Tainting is Optional

You may also Taint your Nodes so other workloads don’t land on it, but in most cases we don’t think that is useful. Enclaves work well when deployed like a sidecar, either directly in a Pod or with affinity to another Deployment. The larger instances are also more expensive, so you’ll probably want to use those resources to run other Pods unless your security posture won’t allow it.

Testing the Enclave

Submit the sample enclave application to the cluster (download here):

$ kubectl create -f example-enclave.yaml

The example app answers web requests on port 8001. You can make a Service and Load Balancer to address all of the Pods, or for a simple test, port-forward to the Pod:

$ kubectl port-forward <podname> 8001:8001

Then send a request to the forward port, which will be answered from within the enclave:

$ curl localhost:8001

Jump over to the simple Python app guide (the URL printed above) that explains our sample application in more detail.


If your pods are pending, check that hugepages is enabled on your Nodes. Here’s what the status block of a pending Node looks like:

$ kubectl get pods/example-enclave-5fbddb6cc8-nspgw -o yaml
  - lastProbeTime: null
    lastTransitionTime: "2022-11-08T14:35:27Z"
    message: '0/2 nodes are available: 2 Insufficient hugepages-1Gi.'
    reason: Unschedulable
    status: "False"
    type: PodScheduled
  phase: Pending
  qosClass: Burstable

Check that Kubernetes is reading the available hugepages by looking at one of your Nitro Enclave Nodes. Here you can see that hugepages-1Gi has capacity for 3Gi. If your Node is not configured correctly, you might see a 0 for both hugepages entries.

$ kubectl get nodes/ip-172-31-37-102.ec2.internal -o yaml
    attachable-volumes-aws-ebs: "39"
    cpu: 1930m
    ephemeral-storage: "18242267924"
    hugepages-1Gi: 3Gi
    hugepages-2Mi: "0"
    memory: 3796024Ki
    pods: "58"
    attachable-volumes-aws-ebs: "39"
    cpu: "2"
    ephemeral-storage: 20959212Ki
    hugepages-1Gi: 3Gi
    hugepages-2Mi: "0"
    memory: 7958584Ki
    pods: "58"