Real-time SCA powers modern AppSec

EdgeBit adds real-time context to SCA, SBOM and software inventory.

Focus on 5% of your CVEs
Active Code 22 5%
Build Pipeline
Dependencies & SBOM,
Vulnerability analysis
Real-time Analysis
Live prioritization,
Workload Inventory
Trusted by leading companies:
What Is EdgeBit?

Fix vulnerabilities that matter in your apps

EdgeBit Vulnerability Management Highlight open source risks before code merges
EdgeBit Vulnerability Management Remove noise for developers and security teams
EdgeBit Vulnerability Management Burn down security backlog with while executing sprint work

Build Pipelines

Stop vulnerabilities before they merge

Production Servers

Prioritize what to fix based on how your apps run

AI Dependency Autofix

Merge safe updates to dependencies
Empower Engineers
Vulnerability Management
Prioritize your backlog to focus engineers on impactful patching.
Cross-App Insight
Software Inventory & SBOMs
Understand dependencies and communicate them to your customers.
Meet Compliance
Software Supply Chain Regulation
Meet supply chain regulation requirements with full automation.
Use Open Source Safely
OSS Dependency Governance
Help engineers make intelligent decisions when using open source.

Stay up to date with EdgeBit news:

Focus your engineers on a list of actual issues

EdgeBit is inbox zero for your software supply chain

EdgeBit Supply Chain Overview

Security teams aren’t app experts, so they distract your most talented engineers

Now: Issue Overload

Now: Issue Overload

With EdgeBit

Less issues with EdgeBit

Less investigation toil.
More action on real issues.
Happy engineers.

Maximum Context

Give Developers, Security, and SRE
context right where it’s needed

Shift left is important
EdgeBit connects developrs with context from production
Look to the right for essential context
InfoSec, AppSec, Ops, SRE
Developer adding a new dependency
EdgeBit's GitHub bot provides context on a dependency with info from your server fleet
Vulnerability Investigation
EdgeBit's adds context to your vulnerability investigation tickets
EdgeBit Ecosystem

Works with all your tools,
secures any cloud and any size fleet

EdgeBit integrates with popular security tools, package managers and container registries to cover everything from your OS to your workloads.

Built on open-source & industry standards

Open source is at the core of our ethos and our tech stack.

View EdgeBit projects on GitHub
Research Projects

Expanding supply chain security with EdgeBit research

Can we check an entire container against its software bill of materials (SBOM) in real time?
Gain confidence in the authenticity of the SBOM with generation within a secure enclave.
OpenVEX reports that refect up-to-the-millisecond accuracy from running workloads

Interesting in learning more about our research and its applications? Chat with an EdgeBit engineer.

Cut through the noise in vulnerability management

Less investigation toil.

More action on real issues.

Happy engineers.

Request Demo
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